+/- ([info]v00d00) rakstīja,
@ 2003-09-24 21:16:00

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Kāds aizmirsa no yahoo messendžera izlogoties..
jane_26_644wjx: hey...
kleopatra32000: heeey !!!
jane_26_644wjx: How are U?
kleopatra32000: juust fine :]
jane_26_644wjx: i'm so excited just agood day 2day.. lets chat?
kleopatra32000: ok
jane_26_644wjx: cool.... 23/ f/US you again?
kleopatra32000: 17/f/nigeria
jane_26_644wjx: bye
kleopatra32000: nice talking to u too :]

Kleopatra biju es

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2003-09-25 14:29 (saite)
Nu vot to jau es saucu par reeciigu gabalu! :D Blin nigers jau tu esi bet ne no nigeerijas! :D LoL!

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