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@ 2007-06-26 14:35:00

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Shop of Husbands and Wifes
In New York has been opened right now a new shop, where women can choose and buy a husband. In the entrance are instructions exposed how to use this shop:
- You can visit this shop only one time in your life
- There are 6 floors and the typical characteristics of the men you find   are meliorating in every ascending floor.
- You can choose ANY men of ANY floor or you can even continue  rising to the next floor.
-You can't retrograde to the antedescent floor again.

One woman decides to visit this Shop of Husbands for finding some partner.
On the first floor it is written on the door:
    Those men here are employed.
The woman decides to continue rising to the next floor.
On the second floor the sign at the door says:
    Those men here are employed and love children.
The woman decides to continue rising to the next floor.
On the third floor it is written on the door:
    Those men here are employed, love children and are extremely beautiful.
"Wow" the woman thinks but feels like rising again to the next.
On the fourth floor the sign on the door says:
    Those men here are employed, love children, are dazzlingly beautiful  AND help in the quotidian chores and houseworks.

"Incredible" the lady shouts, "I can hardly resist!" But she rises again.
On the fifth floor it's written on the door:
    Those men here are employed, love children, are dazzlingly beautiful, help in the quotidian chores AND are marvelous romantic.
The woman is attempted to remain and choose one man, but instead she decides to rise until the last floor.

(You can imagine what happens now ;-))
Sixth floor:
    You are the visitor No° 31.456.012 of this floor, here you can't find any man, this floor exists only for showing how impossible it is to content a woman. Thank you for having chosen our shop.

In front of this shop has been opened a Shop of Wives.
On the first floor there are women who love to have sex.
On the second floor there are women who love to have sex and are rich.
The floors from the third up to the sixth HAVE NEVER BEEN VISITED.

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2007-06-26 15:10 (saite)
nu es ar pēdējai rindiņai negribu ticēt, bet varbūt tur tas 3 - 6 stāvs vienkārši cilvēku (šai gadījumā vīrieti) pazudina laimē? :)

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2007-06-26 15:26 (saite)
varbuut viirietim vnk truukst fantaazijas?

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2007-06-26 15:32 (saite)
varbūt mēs visi dzīvojam tikai fantāzijās.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2007-06-26 15:43 (saite)
nee...vidusmeera amerikaanju viirietis, kursh dodas iepirkt sievinju uz supermarketu, un nespeej uzvilkties vienu staavu augstaak... man, liekas, ka vinsh nedziivo fantaazijaas.

kaut sasodiits. vinsh to dara gan. pashlaik vinsh dziivo manaa fantaazijaa.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2007-06-26 15:46 (saite)
tagad teiktu: tātad?
bet neteikšu.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

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