tessera ([info]tessera) rakstīja,
@ 2004-11-17 15:28:00

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i`m on a roll
i`m on a roll this time
i feel my luck could cgange.
kill me sarah
kill me again with love
it`s gonna be a glorious day.
pull me out of the aircrash pull me out of the lake
i`m your superhero we are standing on the edge
the head of state has called for me
by name
but i don`t have time for him.
its gonna ne a glorious day
i feel my luck could change.
pull me out of the aircrash
pull me out of the lake
i`m your superhero
we are standing on the edge
we are standing on the edge

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2004-11-17 23:07 (saite)
Ko? domīga pēcpusdiema ar rādiogalvām?

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