kā jau mēs visi zinām strauji tuvojas Valentīndiena. tā nu sagadijās, ka man(neglābjamam romantiķim), izdevās nokopēt pāris dzejolīšus no /b/. manuprāt tiešām romantiskas rindiņas.
ceru, ka kādam tās tiešām palīdzēs, pats esmu pilns apņēmības kādu no šīm skaistajām rīmēm deklamēt savai mīļotajai, kamēr viņas priekšā esmu nometies ceļos, ar rozēm un konfekšu kasti rokā. novēlu jums arī kādu iepriecināt, vai tikt iepriecinātiem ar šīm bezgala sirsnīgajām rindām.
here we go...
roses are red,
violets are blue,
i'm touching myself,
thinking of you.
roses are red
violets are blue
i fucked your mother
in the ass
Lips to lips
Heart to heart
Lover to lover
Ass to mouth
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Let me stick
My dick in your ass
violets are blue
roses are red
fuck the flowers
get in the bed
roses are red,
violets are blue,
get your fucking ass on the bed,
eat my poo
Roses are red
Violets are bigger
Your car was just stolen
By some fucking nigger
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I'll fuck you with a rake.
and then i realized,
as i drank some beer,
that i wanted to fuck you,
right in the ear
roses are red
get back in the kitchen
Your dress looks nice in a crumpled heap on my bedroom floor,
Your tits look great when pressed against the bedroom door.
My love for you is harder than my cock
Can I hold you?
Can I touch you sweet face?
Can I smell the perfume on your bosom?
Tonight my darling i'm baking creampie.
Let me stroke your long hair, and kiss your red lips.
Feel your body against be, with my hand on your hips.
Pull off your dress, so there's nothing between us.
Then reach down and realize you have a PENIS.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Niggers are black
roses are red
violets are blue
i now have two options for you
Tits or GTFO
lai veicas!! mani sirsnīgākie vēlējumi no pašas sirds dziļumiem.