Kathe Kollwitz ([info]tapetes_puksts) rakstīja,
@ 2013-10-07 01:09:00

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“Why do guys buy drinks for girls in bars? I mean, why don't they buy a book for a girl in a bookstore? If I guy walked up to me and bought me the book I was looking at I would totally see more dating potential than if he were to hand me a drink.”

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2013-10-08 17:55 (saite)
reiz bārā viens nepazīstams džeks izdomāja asprātīgu minēšanas spēli, kur abiem jācenšas uzminēt atbilde uz random jautājumiem, piemēram, cik gadu ir Madonnai vai tml un tad ātri ieguglēt atbildi. Tam, kuram atbilde viss nepareizākā, tas izmaksāja aliņu.
haha, es toreiz visu laiku zaudēju un izmaksāju, bet tas bija interesanti :D

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