Skunk ([info]street_punk) rakstīja,
@ 2005-02-09 00:18:00

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Take the quiz: "What instrument should you play in your band (metal)? :::pics:::"

Wow. You're a loser for real. You're a good piano player and you add little bits of coolness to the music every now and then. For the most part, you're not needed, just a bonus. You're never really foudn attractive seeing as how at a show all you can really do is stand there. Oh well, sucks to be you. (;D nu es esu vienk vecis!)

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2005-02-10 07:40 (saite)
Klavieres jau ir \m/ keyboard redz cita lieta, to much techno piesitiens... Pa daudz toch nodirst! :) p.s. Es jau ar 7 gadus pie melni blatajiem pavadīju + vēl čīgāju un arī kora klasē dziedāju... Plaša karjera! :D

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