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Esmu sapratis vienu fishku peedeejaa laikaa.paarsvaraa cilveekiem kas ir grupaas kaadaas nav iipashi aptstaaviigas otraas pusiites.(nu ir jau,bet tie ir mazaakumaa)nu vo,paziistu ljoti daudz cilv shitaadu. man pasham bija taa.kaa esu kaadaa grupaa taa uzreiz nekur nekas nopietns.kaa aizeju taa uzreiz bij.psc un kaa atpakalj grupaa taa uzreiz atkal vsjo. es nesaprotu,vai ap muuzikjiem kautkaada savaada aura? :D reecigi bet patiesi. ;D

current mood: curious
current music: Bright Eyes - When the Curious Girl Realizes She Is Under Gl

(11 comments | ir ko piebilst)

Thursday, June 2nd, 2005
nu choa,driiz jau briivlaiks un festi... mm.. :)) nu vsjo pietiek shomeenesim rakstiit,jaaiet piipeet.. ;))

current mood: okay
current music: Ariel Kill Him - David is a Girl Therese is a Boy

(2 comments | ir ko piebilst)

Thursday, May 19th, 2005
nu jau kreitsns laicinjhs pagaajis kad peedeejo reiz k-ko rakstiiju iekshaa.datjis atkal straadaa un mosh te kautko veel parakstiishu.bet ko?

current mood: refreshed
current music: Onelinedrawing - Crush One, Everyone (Live at CMJ)

(2 comments | ir ko piebilst)

Saturday, February 26th, 2005

current music: ...

(6 comments | ir ko piebilst)

Tuesday, February 15th, 2005
kas shodien ir?..nesparotu..riktiigi suudiigs gariigais.. :\

current mood: depressed
current music: To The Limit - Latent Victim

(13 comments | ir ko piebilst)

Sunday, February 13th, 2005
A Perfect Party! ;))

current mood: cheerful
current music: neko

(12 comments | ir ko piebilst)

Saturday, February 12th, 2005
aargh..seedeju izstabaa un peekshnji saaku jsut kautkadu smaku, peec deguma atgaadinaaja...mekleeju kur tas varbuut, kompis nebij, kontakti ar bij ok..atmetu ar roku, vienk izspuutu dezi zistabaa un tjip vsjo...peec kaada laikam dezis iziet atkal saaku just smaku, nu jau biju izmisis "kur kas? aaaa!!" staigaajupa izstabu, mekleeju no kurienes vreetu buut taa smka, tjip mosh viena rozete vareetu buut...pietupos,atbalstiijos ar roku pret paklaaju, kad peekshnji sajutu plaukstaa saapiigu svilinoshdegoshu sajuutu...aatri atraavu roku, sakjeeru plaukstu, paskatiijos kas tas ibj, izradaas ka laadeetjaas Huj Zin kaadaa veidaa ir bijis iesprausts un shis svilinaajis paklaaju... :| ...taga bljin reeta baigaa uz plauksatas palikusi...grr...

current mood: angry
current music: Kafka - Venticiquequattro

(6 comments | ir ko piebilst)

Friday, February 11th, 2005
15:15 - 5diena
Nu taa, kaarteejaa 5diena-briivdiena. shodien muteriite iepriecinaaja ar to ka shii beidzot norm darbu atradusi. njaa...taga es nezinu par riitdienu, taa gribaas maukt uz to rokiklubu Valgaa..bet nu hz, shii ir braukshana uz aklo..negribas netikt paari robezhai...laikam ieshu uz dzimshanas dienu, taa arii vareetu buut taa tiiri neko. argh..ieshu njammaat.

current mood: peaceful
current music: Bora - Lietuvishkas

(ir ko piebilst)

Wednesday, February 9th, 2005
jaaiet guuleet...riit atkal kaarteejaa ne-briivdiena grr... uun saakas viis no gaalaa..

current mood: norm
current music: Open Hand - The Dream

(6 comments | ir ko piebilst)

heh...vakar un shon baigaas dienas bij..tjip aizmaucuuz franchiem svineet sava braleena vaardadienu, nedomaaju ka tik traki nokodiishos.neatceros cik kausus alus izdzeeru bet veel beigaas 3 aabolu piiraagus uzdzeeru pa virsu un tas arii bij psc... uz skolu protams neaizgaaju, pa celjam veel Richardam menti pieseejaas, iemato sho busaa un draudeeja ka uz mezhu aizvediishot..vinjsh veel paspeeja vienam no vinjiem tajaa busaa pa seju uzshaut ;D nu psc..no riita pamatiigaas galvassaapes..kuras vilkaas gandriiz visu dienu. vsjo nedzershu kaadu laiku...un taa arii patieshaam dariishu, bez jokiem ;D labi jaatinas guleet.... *nozjaavaajas*

current mood: sleepy
current music: Sparta - Vacant Skies

(6 comments | ir ko piebilst)

Take the quiz: "which of the guys from blink182 are you most like?(nice pics)"

you are mark
you are really goofy and funny, and are loyal to your significant other and friends. mark rocks, so u must rock too. :)

(3 comments | ir ko piebilst)

Take the quiz: "what kind of drug are you? (includes pictures)"

you are weed.you are laid back, ralaxed and outgoing. (nu shitas jau norm)

(2 comments | ir ko piebilst)

Take the quiz: "What instrument should you play in your band (metal)? :::pics:::"

Wow. You're a loser for real. You're a good piano player and you add little bits of coolness to the music every now and then. For the most part, you're not needed, just a bonus. You're never really foudn attractive seeing as how at a show all you can really do is stand there. Oh well, sucks to be you. (;D nu es esu vienk vecis!)

(8 comments | ir ko piebilst)

Saturday, February 5th, 2005

Juhuu! Beidzot kaada darbiiba! Ieshu piepljeckaaties ;DD

current mood: accomplished
current music: Funeral For A Friend - She Drove Me To Daytime TV

(10 comments | ir ko piebilst)

Friday, February 4th, 2005
baa..nu shitaada bezdarbiiba sen nav bijusi..seedi tik maajaas pie pc, skaties kas notiek mircaa un staigaa tik pa 3 lapaam...un shitaa visu dienu..nu psc..jautri..:\

current mood: bored
current music: The Early November - Sunday Drive

(11 comments | ir ko piebilst)

khe,tiko atvilkos,mazliet apguulos lai palkeusiitos mjuuziik un uzreiz aizmigu...taga pamodos un riktiigais nogurums,negribaas nekur iet vai braukt, gribas vienk paseedeet un klausiities mieriigu muuziku.Sorre ka piekaasiishu tevi destic un nebraukshu uz zabadaku. shon pa maajaam padziivoshos. *zjaava*

current mood: tired
current music: Texas is the Reason - Nickel Wound

(2 comments | ir ko piebilst)

Wednesday, February 2nd, 2005
22:07 - hmm
bljaa..laikam atkal atsaaku smeekjeet.nafig vajadzeeja atkal to tabacinju piipeet,nu bet..nu akmeer man rokas negritiis un zobi nesapuus piipeet jau var.. heh.

current mood: okay
current music: Coheed And Cambria - A Favor House Atlantic

(1 comment | ir ko piebilst)


(ir ko piebilst)

Tuesday, February 1st, 2005
12:26 - \m/
Small, simple, safe price.
Rise the wake and carry me with all of my regrets.
This is not a small cut that scabs, and dries, and flakes, and heals.
And I am not afraid to die.
I'm not afraid to bleed, and fuck, and fight.
I want the pain of payment.
What's left, but a section of pigmy size cuts.
Much like a slew of a thousand unwanted fucks.
Would you be my little cut?
Would you be my thousand fucks?
And make mark leaving space for the guilt to be liquid.
To fill, and spill over, and under my thoughts.
My sad, sorry, selfish cry out to the cutter.
I'm cutting trying to picture your black broken heart.
Love is not like anything.
Especially a fucking knife.

current mood: energetic
current music: The Used - Im A Fake

(ir ko piebilst)

Saturday, January 29th, 2005
Whuaa..veeljoprojaam juutu sekas no vakardienas koncha..zjeel ak bora neatvrauca, shiem nebij kautaks ar mashiinu kaartiibaa un taadeelj netika..vismaz bora uzshuviiti nopirku :P shon riktiigi nomaakta diena,taads nogurums,mucha kautko teica ka apniik ka peec konchiem es nekad nevaru atnaakt viens,bet ko lai dara..jaapaliidz kautaka tak ir cilveekiem :PP pumpum...jaanoskataas kaads sponge bobs ;))

current mood: tired
current music: Yellowcard - Drifting

(5 comments | ir ko piebilst)

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