Snorke ([info]snorke) rakstīja,
@ 2014-04-02 15:17:00

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luk, ta ir kodoliga atbilde jeb Hello, there are none.
De: Sandra Poikane
Enviado el: lunes, 02 de abril de 2012 13:46
Asunto: surfing in La Palma ?

We are planning to visit la Palma this summer.
Do you have some surfing schools or other possibility to take surf lessons ?
Thank you very much !!!

From: Patronato de Turismo Cabildo de La Palma (Informacion) []
Sent: lunedì 2 aprile 2012 15.11
To: 'Sandra Poikane'
Subject: RE: surfing in La Palma ?

Hello, there are none. Greetings

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2012-04-03 10:23 (saite)
tur jau taa lieta, ka ne tiesi seerfot, bet paskatiities, kaa ir seerfot ! un Fueretventuraa bijaam - tur ir tuksnesis, iists tuksnesis un tiesaam veejs- nu, graamataa un aciis puus smiltis, nevar palasiit :)

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