Snorke ([info]snorke) rakstīja,
@ 2011-04-07 12:17:00

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Es tātad esmu Pitta :
Light sleeper, Intelligent, Clear memory, Jealous, Ambitious, Sexually passionate, Dislikes hot weather, Loves luxury, Strong appetite

Tālāk ir ļoti vienkārši

When in balance, pitta promotes intelligence and understanding but when disturbed or imbalanced it produces anger and jealousy.

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pilna globālā miskaste
2009-04-07 13:46 (saite)
pilna globālā miskaste tādiem tekstiņiem

Pitta Body Structure:
Medium height and build
Fair to reddish complexion and hair coloring
Small yellowish teeth, soft gums
Green/Grayish Eyes
Average size mouth

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Re: pilna globālā miskaste
2009-04-07 13:48 (saite)
viss sakrīt, izņemot mati vairāk tā kā brūni un zobi naff dzelteni !!!! :)

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