Snorke ([info]snorke) rakstīja,
@ 2011-01-14 11:44:00

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paradox of sex
kamēr es te knibinos ar male problēmām, kolēģis johens atsūta ielūgumu uz: lasu un neticu savām acīm:

Costs and benefits of males

bet tāļāk, ak vai:

in a freshwater ostracod: insights from the EU network SexAsex.

Sexuality prevails in the animal kingdom, despite the twofold cost of males that is associated with this mode of reproduction. As a member of the EU Research Training Network SexAsex I studied this ‘paradox of sex’ using the geographic parthenogen Eucypris virens as a model organism

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2009-01-14 13:05 (saite)
tāpēc jau ior gan asexuālais gan sexuālais ceļs, katram savi plusi un mīnusi, strādā dažādos apstākļos

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