Snorke ([info]snorke) rakstīja,
@ 2004-08-12 09:25:00

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puuleejos ! :)
Dear friends,

I have a new flat and tomorrow is Friday, 13th and the opening of
olympic games.
So all of you (13 persons) are kindly invited to participate in
Housewarming - Black Friday - Olympic party.
I hope that it will be possible to watch the opening of games through my
TV. Those not interested will have possibility to sit on the balcony
Place: via Esperia 4 - 4 (close to the Clubhouse)
Time: Friday, 13th August from 20:00 (opening starts 20:45)
Please, let me know if you come.
And all your friends are invited too.
If you can - bring some wine* and food, but if not - I will have some.
See you
*beverage made of the fermented juice of any of various kinds of grapes,
usually containing from 10 to 15 percent alcohol by volu

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2004-08-12 11:12 (saite)
jauki !!!
Tu jau zini, ka dziivee esmu ciesamaaka kaa www diskusijaas :)
Tikai laikus zinjo un laikus arii biljetes peerc!
liddz kaadam 8. nov. shaudos pa pasauli,,, bet tad liidz zsv nekas nav plaanots !

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