Snorke ([info]snorke) rakstīja,
@ 2007-09-19 17:01:00

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Latvijs pilsonis Itālijā meklē ceļu uz Ameriku
Aizdomīgi ne ?

pašlaik nodarbojos ar vīzas procedūrām, tai skaitā jautājumiem :

Do you seek to enter the United States to engage in export control violations, subversive or terrorist activities, or any other unlawful purpose? Are you a member or representative of a terrorist organization as currently designated by the U.S. Secretary of State? Have you ever participated in persecutions directed by the Nazi government of Germany; or have you ever participated in genocide?

interesanti, kurš uz šiem jautājumiem labprātīgi atbildētu YES

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2006-09-19 20:08 (saite)
Mok tam ir kāds juridisks pamats, tipa ļaunprātīga uzticības izmantošana.

(Atbildēt uz šo)

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