Snorke ([info]snorke) rakstīja,
@ 2005-04-01 10:15:00

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mūžu dzīvo mūžu mācies
koraļļi VAR izraisīt alerģiju, iekaisumus utt ut, ieskaitot asins saindēšanos

Coral is also very sharp, able to inflict cuts and abrasions. Although the cut may seem clean and superficial, infection may occur from tiny pieces of coral and the bacteria associated with them. This may produce swelling, and tenderness. In extreme cases the infection spreads causing blood poisoning. Allergic reactions can also be very serious and time delayed

Dakters mani nosūtīja mājās, kājas man nobintētas un iesietas tīkliņos, 3 asistenti to darīja, visi
vaidēdami, egypt, egypt, oi oi (jo skats jau smuks paveras, kā medicīnas enciklopēdijā)
kad teicu, ka man driving exams šodien tikai novaidējās

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2005-04-01 12:12 (saite)
jaa, vajadzeeja maaciities no citu kjuudaam;)

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