Snorke ([info]snorke) rakstīja,
@ 2005-03-10 10:43:00

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rīts nav pavadīts dīki !!! :)
Dear Sian and Geoff,

Thank you very much for your time and effort preparing the phytoplankton data.

I tried to make some analyze of UK data, but results are not so good, and I couldn`t establish any relationship between P and biomass and species composition.

Some lakes have extremely low P concentrations (as Lily Ponds 0.005 mg/l or llyn Rhos-Ddu 0.022 mg/l - corresponds to oligotrophic range) but anyway there are quite high biomass (Lily Ponds 7.15 mg/l and Llyn Rhos-Ddu 7.5 mg/l - corresponds to highly eutrophic state), dominated by impacted state taxa (Llyn Rhos-Ddu - 77% Euglenophyta Lepocinclis ovum).
As well as Kenfig Pool with very low P (0.014 mg/l) has high biomass (3.3 mg/l) and is dominated by Microcystis sp

Vice versa - lakes with very high P (Table Mere - 0.394 mg/l, Frensham Great Pond 0.13 mg/l - hypereutrophic) are dominated by diatoms and dinophyta and the lake with the highest P (Llyn Penrhyn - 0.648 mg/l) has the lowest biomass has (0.87 mg/l).

I tried to make relationships :
Biomass - total P
% of Cyanophyta - total P (please find enclosed) but results are not successful.

Do you have some ideas why we have such results ?

Best wishes

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2005-03-10 12:01 (saite)
Es jau arii angleni nezinu, bet tik daudz jau nu sapratu... ;))
Pagaid', pagaid', gan vēl pēc kāda laiciņa Tev sāks likties, ka šiten nemaz tik slikti nebija... :D
Eu, a tā šķūnīša bildes nerādīsi? Solīji tak - zirnekļu tīkli un slotaskāti... ;))

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