Snorke ([info]snorke) rakstīja,
@ 2017-02-15 11:38:00

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Pie galda Olivjee uzreiz pavesta 2 faktus:
1) vins hoteli tomer nav dabujis, esot dabujis atteikumu, viss jau esot pilns (kaut gan pirms tam vins skaidri teica, ka ir rezervejis)
2) vins ir apedis kiplokus
kapec taa ?
tas esot veseligi un garsigi

es domaju fakju olivjee, veseligi un garsiigi

i am depressed, i go home, es vaargi saku, un es ar taa domaaju. It kaa - vins ir tikai draugs, kas tikai apedis kiplokus un par to hoteli es vinam 5x teica - ja gribi, nem, bet es brauksu majas, un es teicu, braucam katrs sava masina, bus vairak independence utt

i am depressed, i go home, saku
dont be, saka olivje, tu zini to dziesmu °the day before he came° ?
i dont know, i think its °the day before you came°, no ?
the day before he came, olivjee paarliecinats
whatever, saku
so, sita ir taa diena, this is The day, thsi is the day before olivje saka
ok, if it is just one day, maybe i can stay, saku

un es domaju, fakju, olivjee

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2014-02-15 15:07 (saite)
It's funny but I had no sense of living without aim
The day before you came

And turning out the light I must have yawned
And curled up for yet another night
And rattling on the roof, I must have heard the sound of rain
The day before you came

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