silent wings ([info]sw) rakstīja,
> attiecibu atjaunosana ar nomelnoto vecaaku jaunaa gaismaa

jēēē, uzgavilē tie, kuriem otrs vecāks ir labākos medību laukos :) protams, ir jau arī opcija meklēt tā cilvēka radiniekus un runāt ar viņiem, lai skatītos, kuras memories ir false un kuras ne.

tajā "manā" rakstā autors bija aizsecinājies arī līdz domai, ka mātes, kuras iznīcina tēvu bērna apziņā, būtībā neapzināti vēlas iznīcināt arī pašu bērnu.

When the mother wishes to punish the father by turning their children against him, she is also aggressing against the children. In her unconscious, both the husband and the children represent the same thing (betrayal and potential betrayal), and destructiveness is wished on them both.


The alienating mother's rage is rooted in part in a wish to destroy the child, whom she at some level resents being stuck and may turn her rage into over protectiveness as a reaction formation. (šo domu gan līdz galam nesaprotu - varbūt tur bija jābūt "with whom"?) She is unable to let her children separate from her. She tells them the harm that will befall them when they are out of her control. The mother projects her aggression on to the environment and then makes her children need her protection.

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