sirualsirual ([info]sirualsirual) rakstīja,
@ 2016-11-29 02:46:00

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acts of highly deliberate self-deprecation following a perceived increase of attention towards self, such as after making a well-received joke, that is seen by object as "non-deserved", i.e., "conned" or otherwise "extracted" out of others, non-spontaneously. used as a way of returning to a safer frame of reference and rationalized with thoughts such as "wanting attention is wrong" whilst simultaneously craving the return of the stimulus.

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2016-11-30 17:11 (saite)
Un kāpēc tā dara? Man liekas, ka iekšējais pamatojums ir morāls, bet tuvāk "īstajai situācijai" ir tas, ka kaut kādu iemeslu dēļ tā liekas drošāk, pierastāk. Tāpat kā kad tēlo muļķi.

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2016-11-30 20:24 (saite)
nezinu vai "kāpēc" šajā gadījumā ir labs jautājums

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2016-12-01 00:16 (saite)
faire enough

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