30 June 2013 @ 11:46 pm
Skabargas un baļķi, saprotams, visiem zināmi, bet tikai tad kāpēc atkal un atkal uzraujies uz viena un tā paša un kāpēc vēl joprojām nevari saprast, ko tieši citi tev acī baksta.

Visādi citādi —
- You don't even really have friends.
- That's so not true, I do have friends!
- Imaginary ones don't count.
Well. Starp citu, ja.
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falter ego: save the wolf[info]shiry on July 1st, 2013 - 11:35 am
Yes, thumbs up for semicolons, the babes of punctuation.
(And thumbs down for my typos. Clearly, more caffeine is in order.)
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302cc9b4780f8cbef6f70c3a8417913050b6aafb[info]mindbound on July 1st, 2013 - 11:36 am
The stuff of life.
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