resort ([info]resort) rakstīja,
@ 2021-07-06 17:46:00

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It's hard to explain, like it feels as if someone has surgically removed my brain from my own body and put it into someone else's. My arms and legs feel weird, like I can't coordinate my own appendages to do exactly what I want them to in a precise manner that I normally can. Even typing on a computer, my fingers don't quite hit the keys I want them to or I don't press down on a key all the way to where it registers. I walk down stairs and I lose my balance much more easily. Doctors think it's anxiety and stress. I don't usually disagree with medical experts because it's not my area of expertise, but I've dealt with anxiety, social anxiety, agoraphobia, and other stressors my entire life. This is not what this feels like.

pēc vakcīnas vai tad atļauts apstrīdēt medicīnas ekspertu viedokli? man šķita ka jādara kā eksperti saka. ja jādur, tad jādur, ko tur daudz iedziļināties

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2021-07-06 18:07 (saite)
the ER doctor said it couldn’t be linked to the vaccine.. that heart issues weren’t one of the side effects. We now know myocarditis is indeed a side effect, “rare” or not. I’m currently awaiting a cardiac stress test referral as I’m still experiencing occasional heart palpitations & chest pressure nearly three months later. Trust your intuition.

uzticējos savai intuīcijai, ka "drošajai vakcīnai" vēl nav 2 gadiņi apritējuši, un paskat ko tagad varam no citu kļūdām mācīties. nepagāja ne pusgads kā blakusefektu liste pieauga. pēc diviem visu zināsim un varēs špricēties uz nebēdu, vai arī nevarēs ja aizliegs

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