resort ([info]resort) rakstīja,
@ 2023-07-02 09:22:00

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patīkami bigotētā komentāru sleja pie spožās idejas neapkalpot kristijāņus or whatever:

I'd love a pathway to avoid queers. Make it happen.

Exactly. I'll volunteer to not be a customer of fags and trannies. Oppress me, please.

Wouldn't it be nice if you could just wear a cross around your neck and all the faggots of the world will stay away from you? [es šito kaut kur esmu dzirdējis citā kontekstā #pride #septiņi-grēki #uguns-aplis #līdz-saullēktam]

But I don't want a homosexual cutting my hair or serving my food! That's fucking gross, bro!

Yeah monkeypox in my scalp from a guy who had his fist up another man's ass sounds just great!

I don't want Monkey Scalp!

Cool, they should get their own armbands and everything! [ahahahaha, vēl labāk - they šud mārketēties kā queer owned business :D]

Good, I don't want homos and lesbians jizzing on my wedding cake.

By shopping at gay businesses you raise your risk of getting AIDS or PridePox. Don't do it.

Don’t threaten ME with a good time!

#sūdi #virca #kanalizācija #praids

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2023-07-02 11:34 (saite)
Lesbietes neeksistē

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Neesi iežurnalējies. Iežurnalēties?