resort ([info]resort) rakstīja,
@ 2021-06-21 07:50:00

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how it started

Israel is partying like it's 2019. With most adults now vaccinated against the coronavirus and restrictions falling away — including the lifting this week of outdoor mask requirements — Israelis are joyously resuming routines that were disrupted more than a year ago and providing a glimpse of what the future could hold for other countries.

how it's going

aprīļa vidus:

among patients who had received two doses of the vaccine, the variant’s prevalence rate was eight times (astoņas bļe reizes) higher than in those unvaccinated — 5.4% versus 0.7%

This means that the South African variant is able, to some extent, to break through the vaccine’s protection.

Nevis "break through", bet vakcīna pastiprina iespēju saslimt. Nesaprotu cik pēdējās klases nav jāpabeidz, lai no pirmā paragrāfa izsecinātu otro. Ja tas būtu "break through", tad no kontroles grupas vispār būt tikai sarkans pleķis palicis pāri, nevis 8 (astoņas bļe) reizes veselīgāki rausīši ar speķainiem vaidziņiem.

Antibody Dependant Enhancement much. Gaidam rudeni ar šausmām, kā jau pēc plāna. Gatavojos tikt vainots visā, neģēlis jobanais antivaksers priduraks kaut kāds "gūgle mīļā, kā lai dabuj vakcīnu laukā, es pārdomāju" "gūgle mīļā, kaut visi gudrīši nosprāgtu" "gūgle mīļā, nav smieklīgi" gūgle mīļā: ржу не могу))))

maija sākums:

the new CDC guidance for “COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough case investigation” – meaning people who tested positive after getting vaccinated – says PCR tests should be set at 28 CT or lower. The stated reason for the 28 CT maximum is to avoid false positives on people who have been vaccinated, which would discourage acceptance of the vaccines.

Tikmēr nevakcinētajiem deģenerātiem paliek tie paši 40 CT. Aizdomām nav pamata.

Nesaistīti, kaut kur salasījos kārtējo reizi, ka Phase 3, kas beigsies 2023. gadā, kontroles grupa esot pēc pāris mēnešiem savakcinēta tomēr. Nu tā gadījās, rezultātus jau tāpēc nemetīsim laukā.

Seko, seko līdz, seko intelektam.
Seko kā te zinātne bļe Tēvzemei un Injekcijām.

jūnija vidus:

Israel said eyeing new limitations on arrivals amid fears of Delta variant

tā ir, ka špricējas ar pērno modes kliedzienu. vajag jauno Pfizer UltraZoom Heavy Duty 20x feat. ModernaXXX [Bass Boosted]

(bet tikai vakcinētajiem.. nevakcinētie izskatās ok tāpat.. astoņas bļe reizes)

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2021-06-21 08:32 (saite)
jūnija vidus:

Children and adults around the country are getting sick as it usually happens in the winter, experts say.

The corona crisis might be over, but all over Israel adults and children are getting sick with viral infections in a phenomenon that is unprecedented for this time of the year, according to several medical professionals.

“We have never seen anything like this,” said Dr. Tal Brosh

“Since the spring, we have been seeing an increasing number of respiratory diseases, and since May there has been a surge in RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) cases.”

“We usually see it disappearing in the summer, but if we consider the numbers now, it looks like winter in previous years,”

The number of children hospitalized with respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases has been exceptional

“This is not a pandemic, these viruses exist in the country and every winter comes with illnesses,” Brosh said. “What is weird now is the season, and we do not know whether this will die soon or continue into next winter, and what will actually happen next winter.”

tikai nevajag mīzt, man nav doktora grāds, es nemāku punktiņus savilkt

un mēs visi labi zinām, kas notiks ziemā, tikai daži nu jau ir permanenti investēti naratīvā

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