Piegdienaaaah's vakara pre-viedoklētās konspiziņas, mani dārgie un vienīgie draudziņi:
> In a surprise move, Saudi Arabia and Iran restore ties, after a Chinese mediated agreement. This move, made without the influence of US and Israel, may realign the Saudis towards the Chinese-Russia-Iranian sphere.
> The BRIICs are going to kick our ass for the foreseeable future if Trump doesn't get elected in '24.
> [jā bet es esmu pro amerikānisks, pro ukrainisks, anti krievisks, bet arī anti amerika pirmajā vietā, anti daram ameriku varenu atkal, trumps bija slikts, baidens ir labs, amerikāņiem viss iet dirsā, bet es esmu pro amerikānisks, es nevaru būt pro krievisks, pfasarg, jobanais trumps, miera garants atradies]
> #bil-bēk-beta
> Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) is the second largest bank failure in American history
> I work for one of the large investment banks and can confirm that everyone is panicking. Bankers have cancelled all their client trips or have shortened them to just one day (flying in and out) in order to save the firm money on hotels. Expense reports from months ago are being rejected & sent back.
> Lender is SEIZED by regulators in largest US bank failure since Great Recession
> When there is blood in the streets, buy buy buy.
> Six Hypersonic Missiles Were Used In Latest Russian Attack
> The Kinzhal does mach 10, nothing exists - today - to counter it.
> so much for them running out of missiles... Literally, everything the west says about this conflict is total bollocks
> Where’s the combat footage? It’s the new “why is every hospital in the United States empty?” It definitely has that “not real” Covid flava.
> And the US hypersonic missile test last weekend failed to launch. We are so fucked. At least we have diversity!
> [jā bet Trumps bija prokrievisks, lai gan pierādījās ka tomēr Hilarija, jo Krievija lika mierā Ukrainu visus 4 viņa prezidentūras gadus #jobanais #miers]
> No such thing as diversity in a nuclear holocaust... We're all the same color when charred to a crisp
Un sporta ziņās or whatever:
> German city Berlin to allow women to go topless in public swimming pools
#noice #POC #people-of-char #btc-to-4k #lgb
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