Definīcijā nav teikts, ka D vitamīns “stimulē” imunitāti. Es saprotu, ka sarunvalodā šie vārdu “stimulē” un “uzlabo” nozīmē praktiski vienu un to pašu. Bet doma jau nav kritizēt CDC par neprecīzi lietotu valodu. Katrs var atšķirt vikipēdiju un izlasīt, kā darbojas vakcīna un kā darbojas d vitamīns un ar ko šie “darbojas” atšķiras. vaccine is a biological preparation that provides
active acquired immunity to a
particular infectious disease.[1] general, vitamin D functions to
activate the innate and
dampen the adaptive immune systems with antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects.[85][86] Deficiency has been linked to increased risk or severity of viral infections, including HIV[87][88] and COVID-19.[89] Low levels of vitamin D appear to be a risk factor for tuberculosis,[90] and historically it was used as a treatment.[91]
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