resort ([info]resort) rakstīja,
@ 2023-12-07 00:23:00

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> Covid injections contain therapeutic levels of DNA – this is the definition of gene therapy.

plasmid DNA has now been found in the mRNA injections by 6 laboratories.

DNA lasts forever and if it integrates into your genome, you will produce its product forever. There is no definition of gene therapy anywhere in the world that this process would be excluded from.

“insertional oncogenesis” where cancer is caused by the insertion of additional fragments of DNA

all you need to create a cancer risk in a cell is for there to be enough “buckshot” for one of the pellets to stick itself where it doesn’t belong. And the more “buckshot” you have the higher the chance. When it comes to this particular buckshot, we are talking about billions of copies of random DNA fragments.

lab-plasmid DNA intended for bacteria (which includes antibiotic resistance genes that you really don’t want injected into you) contaminating your “RNA therapy” is shocking

it’s such a problem that whatever they tried to do to the ends of linear DNA fragments they couldn’t stop them integrating into the genome with 10-20% of fragments (remember there are billions of them) integrating.

enhancer region is popular for genomic scientists who want to get cells to produce proteins in large quantities, because it can be placed next to a gene of interest and it will be switched on permanently. Hence why it’s a lab tool. That’s a problem if it were to get into the human medicinal chain because if that promoter gets into the genome next to a cancer gene you’re going to be in big trouble, potentially causing a “turbo cancer” which is a term that has appeared recently.

that sequence was coincidentally the only one that could have been chosen that had a specific property of facilitating the transport of any foreign DNA that happened to be present into the nucleus.

By the way this only applies to cells that are not dividing. In cells that are dividing (undergoing mitosis) you don’t need any of these fancy mechanisms – any free-floating DNA will simply integrate.

Imagine incorporating something that the industry knew was dangerous (QTNSPRRARSV) into an RNA vaccine “not knowing” that this very thing (PRRARSV) would make any “contaminant” DNA get into the nucleus.

there is something not quite right with the poly-A tail in the Pfizer vaccine sequence, and no explanation for it

contains a “start codon,” that is a triplet that tells the ribosome to start translating from RNA to a protein. There is no logic for it to be there.

So, theoretically, if that sequence (or even the one before it) were to “read through” the stop codons ahead of it, or if that fragment separated (because the plasmid was chopped up into pieces), there is a possibility of producing a poly-K sequence peptide. And that is a very highly charged sequence which could carry anything into the nucleus.

Of course, that couldn’t happen because ..

Well .. pseudouridine is known to carry a risk of precisely this event happening.

Fortunately, we are protected by our drug regulators, who knew all this when they approved these drugs.


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