resort ([info]resort) rakstīja,
@ 2023-11-30 11:04:00

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almost genius take: At 29, after an entire life of thinking I was mentally handicapped, I was given an IQ test at a university by a neuroscientist and I scored 144 (nothing to really brag about, 145 and above is genius). National average is 100. I realized the reason I always felt mentally handicapped is because the vast majority of people are fucking retarded.

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2023-12-02 00:44 (saite)
ja pimpī ir riņķis tad ja pimpis ir degunā tad arī degunā ir riņķis bet ja riņķis ir degunā bet nav pimpī vai tad kad pimpis ir degunā pimpī ir riņķis?

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2023-12-02 02:14 (saite)

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