redz, neredz ([info]redz) rakstīja,
@ 2007-06-14 18:21:00

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Mūzika:Cansei de Ser Sexy - Let's Make Love And Listen To Death Fro
Entry tags:par filmām, video

Four Eyed Monsters
Tikko noskatījos Four Eyed Monsters. Vēl tikai viena diena palikusi, lai noskatītos.
It's about our lives. Being alone in a city, wanting to be in a relationship but feeling there are no good ways to start a connection and then breaking out of a rut, jumping feet first into something deeper and crazier than either of us expected.


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2007-06-14 23:03 (saite)
Man arī. Bija tik īpatnēja, ka pat nav kur piesieties. Forša.

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