x-ƒ ([info]x_f) rakstīja,
We Should Be Gay
After many of my friends diagnosed me with homosexuality, I have come to the conclusion that if everyone was just a little bit more gay the world would work a lot smoother. First off if guys were a little more gay I think that it would greatly increase the lucrativeness of our society and create a lot more balance in the world. If guys were just slightly more gay they would have a lot less hygiene problems, like smelling like ass all day. Who cares about how someone smells? If you’ve ever been sitting next to a guy who smells like he’s been swimming in his own sweat for hours on end, and then he starts hitting on your friend who’s sitting on the other side of you, you’d probably realize what a terrible condition poor hygiene is. Not only is it unhealthy but it is also very unattractive. If every guy at your school started smelling good, or even like nothing at all, I’m sure that you and I would like to hang out with them a lot more frequently than we would now. (Read more..)

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