qgmr101 ([info]qgmr101) rakstīja,
@ 2013-10-04 05:05:00

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Garastāvoklis: cynical
Mūzika:Distances / by H.U.V.A. network
Entry tags:artēmijs gulbietis, bilde, centies dēls, dirsa, dirsā, motivācija, plakāti, vecss bed godīgi sakot labs

Kā motivēt sevi kaut ko darīt?
tak nekā, palieciet dirsā

Tak nekā, palieciet dirsā.

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2013-10-04 22:17 (saite)
So... does a horse bring me four horseshoes (== a lot of luck == a lot of Nigerian treasures) + itself (== all my programming tasks r belong to the horse nao == better half of a "trojan horse") + plus a nice meal at the end (== horseburger)?

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