Fri, Jun. 17th, 2005, 02:12 am
moby, protms

Lift me up, lift me up, higher now up now ama...

Es ir mājās, es ir apsolūti pārguris, mans t-krekls ir izmircis, mana dzirde laikam ir atgriezusies... (Nē, es negāju kājām, domāju, ka ar veslību būs ok)


Lordy don't leave me
All by myself

Fri, Jun. 17th, 2005, 01:36 pm

Ak jā; na predmet un FYI:

ok, the real lyrics to the chorus of 'lift me up' are

'lift me up
lift me up
higher now ama'

the word for god in many languages employs the 'ah' sound(a sound of pleasure, so kind of good marketing on the part of the worlds religions, don't you agree?), yahweh, allah, buddah, krishna, god(gahd), etc.
so, as the song is about the dangerous and disturbing global rise of intolerance and fundamentalism, i thought that it would be interesting to have a word that sounded sort of like the name of a deity, but not specifically so. sorry for the confusion.

Fri, Jun. 17th, 2005, 02:07 pm

thx, tagad skaidrs!
(bija jau aizdomas, ka tā varētu nebūt) :)

Fri, Jun. 17th, 2005, 02:41 pm

Aga, es ar sākumā nekādi nespēju iebraukt.