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[May. 17th, 2012|07:57 pm]
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LinkKo teiksi? ;)

Date:May 17th, 2012 - 10:12 pm
nu re nevis sāls ir atslēgas vārds, bet brūce ;)
[User Picture]
Date:May 17th, 2012 - 10:20 pm
Nu, neticu, ka iešaujot ar sāli dibenā tev tur viss nokoagulēs.
Date:May 17th, 2012 - 10:22 pm
koagulācija runātu par labu osmozei - ja pamet ūdens, olbaltumvielas koagulējas ;)

laikam tomēr būs receptoru funkcijas iesaistītas ;)
[User Picture]
Date:May 17th, 2012 - 10:33 pm
Atbilde no viena no maniem mīļākajiem forumiem

"The reason that salt stings a cut is that as the salt dissolves, it causes the fluid surrounding damaged tissues to become extremely hypertonic (which means that the concentration of salt and other electrolytes is higher than it is in normal body fluids).

Pain-sensing neurons have receptors on them that respond to a variety of stimuli. For example, there is a specific receptor that responds vigorously to capsaicin, which is the substance that gives jalapeño and habanero peppers their kick. So, quite literally, when you are adding hot pepper to food, you are (carefully, I hope!) inducing the sensation of pain to complement the other flavors of the meal.

More recently identified is a receptor that responds to changes in electrolyte concentration—such as the change that a large amount of salt induces. Thus, putting salt on a wound stimulates pain-sensing neurons in much the same way hot pepper does.

When tissue is damaged, many pain receptors become sensitized—that is, they need a much lower level of stimulation to respond than they normally would. (For example, after you have burned your mouth, try eating some spicy food that you could normally handle—ouch!) Salt may then compound the pain by further damaging injured tissues and making them more sensitive in general."

Ko es arī stāstīju - ka ir iesaistīta gan šūnu atbilde uz hiperosmotisku vidi, gan paši Na un H joni iesaistās nervu impulsu pārvadē, vēl pie tam brūce paaugstina nervu kairināmību. (un šīs parādības ir savā starpā saistītas, tādēļ šī diskusija pašaik ir diezgan neauglīga)

Vienīgais es savu atbildi sāku ar osmozi, jo man likās, ka to ir vieglāk paskaidrot bērnam, bet kā var redzēt vēlāk zarā tiek pieminēti arī nervu impulsi.

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