Petrovichs ([info]petrovichs) rakstīja,
@ 2008-11-20 09:19:00

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Lai šo saprastu, ir jāiedzer :)
The exact nature of the dark-matter particles that produce electrons is uncertain, but one idea is that they may be ordinary particles that spend part of their lives in a compact extra dimension of space. Whereas the particles would appear relatively stationary to observers trapped in three spatial dimensions, they could be moving at ultra-high speeds in a fourth spatial dimension. At high speeds, they would create a gravitational force that could be felt by matter trapped in three dimensions of space-time.

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2008-11-20 09:51 (saite)
ideāla tēma pirmajam randiņam ;)

es domāju, ja šo varētu nocitēt no galvas, biss garantēts ;)

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2008-11-20 10:08 (saite)
A kas? Grūti iedomāties savērptas augstākās dimensijas? :)

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2008-11-20 11:17 (saite)
man? grūti?

vodki mi pjom dļa zapahu - durnosti nam svojej hvatajet ;)

p.s. lobočevski studēju skolā kā ārpusklases literatūru ;)

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