Petrovichs ([info]petrovichs) rakstīja,
@ 2006-07-26 20:37:00

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Tiem, kas krogā nav dzirdējuši, ko pie blakus galdiņa runā ;-)
Nujā, tā svaiga ziņa, un avots arī varbūt liksies uzticams - Al-Jazeerah:,%20and%20to%20Weaken%20Iran%20By%20Hassan%20El-Najjar.htm

Pavisam īsumā tas, kas mani interesēja:
Nassrullah spoke through Al-Manar TV, which was also simultaneously aired by several other TV stations. He said that his information now is that the ongoing Israeli war on Lebanon was initially planned to start in September or October, using any excuse to start it at that time.
Nassrullah added that the Hizbullah military operation, which resulted in killing some Israeli soldiers and capturing two of them disrupted the preparation for that war.
Humiliating, as it was, to the Israeli arrogance of power and pretense of invincibility, Israeli leaders started their war prematurely, before completing their preparations, particularly in the aspects of information, weapons, and logistics.
Had Hizbullah not conducted the operation, it would have been surprised by the September/October Israeli war, which would have been much more devastating, Nassrullah said.

Tiem, kas tankā - neliels izklāsts:
Nasralla TV teica, ka Hesbollah karu plānoja uz septembri vai oktobri, lai tad to sāktu ar jebkuru ieganstu, bet Izraēla šo plānu izjauca un sāka jau tagad. Ja karš sāktos septembrī/oktobrī, tas būtu daudz postošāks.

UPD. Izlasot visu līdz galam un pārlasot vēlreiz, izskatās, ka viss ir pareizi par visiem 100%, tikai pilnīgi otrādi. Nasralla apgalvo, ka Izraēla esot gatavojusies karam septembrī vai oktobrī, bet Hesbullah operācija esot to izjaukusi.

UPD.2 Aizeju pēc mēriņa skaidrības ieviešanai :)

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2006-07-26 21:09 (saite)
aatraak saaks, aatrak beigs.. vai - aatraak saaks, aatraak noshaus.

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