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@ 2006-08-08 19:23:00

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Pukkelpop iesildiishanaas shajaa weekendaa @ www.labadaba.lv
Pukkelpop athodnjaka balle ir paredzeeta sveetdien, 20.08. @ I Love You!
Visi, kas lido ceturtdien - tikshanaas lidostaa 05:45 - 06:00! (riits)!
Domaajams, ka nekaadi nevareeshu Harijam iedot grillu. Brachka, ja mani dzirdi/redzi, moshka pats kaadu mazo grillinju vari nokaartot un businjaa ielikt. Paraadaa nepalikshu! :)
Njemam liidzi siltas dreebes, tajaa Eiropas galaa esot briesmiigi laika apstaaklji shovasar!
Visbeidzot, sheit taads neliels mans personiigais koncertu plaans. Buutu interesanti palasiit arii citu plaanus.
Bet ja nu netiekamies, enjoy your festival.

11:25 Envelopes
12:15 Tunng
13:30 Guillemots
14:10 You Say Party! We Say Die
14:55 The Dead 60's
15:35 Infadels
16:20 The Veils
17:00 Magic Numbers
17:40 Orson
18:25 Babyshambles
19:10 We Are Scientists
19:55 Snow Patrol
21:00 Regina Spektor
21:55 Beck
23:00 Nouvelle Vague
00:00 Radiohead


11:30 Psapp
12:35 The Pipettes
13:15 Feeder
13:55 White Rose Movement
15:25 The Dears
16:55 The Spinto Band
17:40 Scissor Sisters
18:25 Dresden Dolls
20:00 Digitalism
20:45 Racounters
21:30 Colder
22:30 Keane
23:45 TV On The Radio


13:55 Joan As Police Woman
14:35 Lindstrom & Prins Thomas
15:30 The Futureheads
17:00 Tiefschwarz
17:05 !!!
17:45 Kelley Polar
17:55 Panic At The Disco
19:00 Justice
19:40 Arctic Monkeys
20:35 Hot Chip
21:45 Mylo DJ set
22:45 Broken Social Scene
23:50 Daft Punk

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2006-08-09 16:33 (saite)
Par šiem es zinu droši, par pārējiem vēl padomāšu:


11:25 Envelopes
13:30 Guillemots
14:10 Gomez / You Say Party! We Say Die!
16:20 Jose Gonzalez
17:00 The Magic Numbers
18:20 The Knife / Baby Shambles
19:15 Mew
19:55 Snow Patrol
21:00 Regina Spektor
21:55 Beck
23:00 Nouvelle Vague
00:00 Radiohead


11:30 Psapp
12:35 The Pipettes
15:25 The Dears
16:55 Dirty Pretty Things
17:40 Scissor Sisters
18:25 The Dresden Dolls
20:00 The Frames
20:45 The Racounteurs
21:40 An Pierle & White Velvet
22:30 Keane
00:50 Massive Attack


13:55 Joan as Policewoman
15:30 The Futureheads
17:05 !!!
17:55 HIM
19:40 Arctic Monkeys
20:35 Yeah Yeah Yeahs / Hot Chip
21:30 Placebo
22:45 Belle and Sebastian

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2006-08-09 16:51 (saite)
imo, Gomez ir shite...

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