Neutrum ([info]neutrum) rakstīja,
@ 2009-07-08 20:36:00

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Mūzika:Goldfrapp – Ride A White Horse

Ne jau, ka būtu pelnījusi šādus komplimentus, bet man tik ļoti patika, kā tie ir formulēti.


- What did you do with your hair? You cut it!
- You have to wait about one year, then I'll have my long hairs back.
- I could, but you will still be married then.


You are beautiful! You are gorgeous – the way you smile, the way you walk, the way you smell, you are so gorgeous and you are so married! No wonder you are married.

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2009-07-09 22:17 (saite)
"hair" ir tāds mānīgs vārds, var gan tā un gan tā, būtībā nekas nemainās.

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