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Ron Swanson

Posted on 2011.11.13 at 17:40
Doom: s04e07
Mūza: ℑ⊇≥◊≤⊆ℜ
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Jau teicu, tikai klusām, bet tagad te, ka Beidzot!

esmu atradis sev pers. protagonistu ASV seriālu (tēlu) pasaulē:


Es zinu, ka nesmuks, bet esmu Sajūsmā par Attieksmi

“I’m surrounded by a lot of women in this department. And that includes the men.”

“The less I know about other people’s affairs, the happier I am. I’m not interested in caring about people. I once worked with a guy for three years and never learned his name. Best friend I ever had. We still never talk sometimes.”

“My idea of a perfect government is one guy who sits in a small room at a desk, and the only thing he’s allowed to decide is who to nuke. The man is chosen based on some kind of IQ test, and maybe also a physical tournament, like a decathlon. And women are brought to him, maybe ... when he desires them.”

“The whole thing is a scam. Birthdays were invented by Hallmark to sell cards.”


[info]terrifyer at 2011-11-13 17:58 (Tipa)
yessssss. mans favorīts.
divās dienās noskatījos pirmās 3 sezonas. certo negirbas skatīties jo būs jāgaida katra sērija. baigā dilemma.
Mehāniskais vienradzis
[info]nefolk at 2011-11-13 18:19 (Tipa)
Ui ceturtajā viņi beidzot ir ritīgi zirgā. Best season so far, atbildu >:)
[info]terrifyer at 2011-11-13 20:49 (Tipa)
sasodīts. tu nepalīdzi situācijai.
[info]nistagms at 2011-11-13 22:07 (Tipa)
gaidīt no nefolka palīdzību situācijai būtu vairāk nekā naivi
Mehāniskais vienradzis
[info]nefolk at 2011-11-13 22:10 (Tipa)
atšujies, reklāmas pakalpiņ
[info]nistagms at 2011-11-13 22:18 (Tipa)
[info]nistagms at 2011-11-13 22:19 (Tipa)
nefolks (nefolk) replied to your SC comment in which you said:

> gaidīt no nefolka palīdzību situācijai būtu vairāk nekā naivi

Their reply was:

psc, k'\a man noriebusīes šite INTERNETAL CILVĒKI :@
Mehāniskais vienradzis
[info]nefolk at 2011-11-13 22:21 (Tipa)
Beidz spamot. Tas nemaina skumjo faktu par raksturu nesaderību ;(
[info]nistagms at 2011-11-13 22:25 (Tipa)
beigt spamot? tu paskaties, cik tu man viskautkur esi piespamojis :@
kādu raksturu nesaderību? :D
[info]rkktzd at 2011-11-16 20:35 (Tipa)
pagaidām man 3ā sezona ir favorīts. rons svansons komplektā ar eiprilu ladgeitu ir skaistākais, ko es savā dzīvē esmu redzējis.
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