An ([info]nata13) rakstīja,
@ 2012-12-03 18:58:00

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Garastāvoklis: calm
Mūzika:Paul Van Dyk - We are alive
Entry tags:br day 1, stupid people

Day: 29
Rule #1: Never get too close to people you work with - they will use you 

Rule #2: Be bitchy to people who are bitchy to you
Rule #3: Don't be polite to a person who isn't doing his/her job

Day one at project Body revolution - I was able to avoid temptations and cravings. Cooked absolutely 100% healthy meal. Drank a lot of water. And good workout is up next.  Everything written down at BR diary, adding pictures to the list too. Cheers! 



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2012-12-04 22:58 (saite)
labais tag : D atgādināja cartoon network ar stupid dog

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