06 September 2019 @ 10:50 am
Svaarstos starp vinjam pateikshanu par visaam vinja neizdariibaam un paaridariijumiem un truukumiem, un nelokaamas, beznosaciijumu miileeshanas turpinaashanu. Ko man dariit?
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[info]french_mime on September 6th, 2019 - 12:55 pm
Pasaki! protect your boundaries. Citaadi cilveeki meedz push your buttons until you explode. ir labaak, ka vinji zina, kas tev patiik un kas nee.
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[info]methodrone on September 6th, 2019 - 01:14 pm
Bet varbuut man jaaiemaacaas not to explode? To control my emotions and reactions?
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[info]french_mime on September 6th, 2019 - 01:40 pm
Vnk kaut vai taapeec, ka taa dalja, kas regjistree paaridariijumus un does not just magically shut up for the sake of peace and unconditional love, it is telling you something and your objective is to find out what it is, to understand it. Otherwise the unconditional love is bought for the price of not allowing yourself to be real.
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[info]methodrone on September 7th, 2019 - 03:06 pm
Bet tricky moments ir tas, ka es nezinu vai taa emotional dalja ir balstiita realitaatee/objektivitaatee/Dievaa vai neirozee? Because lets face it, we in our family are pretty much hopelessly fucked up mentally, so kaa es varu zinaat vai es vienkaarshi savu fakapu nemeegjinu vinjam virsuu uztriept?

Maybe it would do me a favour to reign in my neurosis horses, un be more zen and selfless?

Karoche, kaa es varu zinaat ka paaridariijums ir objektiivs? How do I know that my emotional response is legitimate? Jut mere existence of emotion does not make it true. It might signify that I have neurosis not that the other person is a villain..
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[info]french_mime on September 7th, 2019 - 07:48 pm
Nu bet paga, tas ir Tavs uzdevums saprast savu emocionaalo pasauli. Ne viens cits jau to nevaru izdariit tavaa vietaa. Es nezinu cik ir helpful Savas emocijas Saukt par neirozi -- jebkuraa gadiijumaa pat ja tu kaut ko apspied tik un taa parasti ar to ir jaatiek galaa. Taapeec jaameegjina saprast, vai vinjsh tieshaam dara lietas, kas nav forshas vai shiis ir kkaadas paaridariijums no pagaatnes.
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[info]french_mime on September 7th, 2019 - 08:05 pm
Apart from a therapist. A therapist could help you understand yourself better. Bet reaali, ja tu apspied emoocijas un centies but 'zen,' vai 'pozitiiva', viñas nevar izprast normaali, un tad viñas vienmeer tik un taa straadaas pret tevi undercover. Emocijas grib uzmaniibu un izpratni, tad viñas pamazaam saak kljuut saprotamas un vadiit riiciibas loogjiskos veidos. Tas nenoziimee, ka visu laiku jaavaino R, vnk ka buutiibaa the only way out of turmoil is through emotions and trying to understand yourself.
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