([info]methodrone) wrote on September 7th, 2019 at 03:06 pm
Bet tricky moments ir tas, ka es nezinu vai taa emotional dalja ir balstiita realitaatee/objektivitaatee/Dievaa vai neirozee? Because lets face it, we in our family are pretty much hopelessly fucked up mentally, so kaa es varu zinaat vai es vienkaarshi savu fakapu nemeegjinu vinjam virsuu uztriept?

Maybe it would do me a favour to reign in my neurosis horses, un be more zen and selfless?

Karoche, kaa es varu zinaat ka paaridariijums ir objektiivs? How do I know that my emotional response is legitimate? Jut mere existence of emotion does not make it true. It might signify that I have neurosis not that the other person is a villain..
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