15 October 2023 @ 05:58 am
HOW can you possibly allow a Hamas demonstration in central London? Why doesn't somebody organize pro Putin invasion demonstration as well since we'real at it?

I think that just proves that police is impotent limp bizkits, and if something like Hamas/Isis would start to attack groups of people in UK they would just do nothing and utter something like..we have to be tolerant to all groups of human expression because of one love 🌈

Human desperate idiocracy HURTS my mind..
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cilvēks savā istabā[info]jojo on October 15th, 2023 - 08:14 am
Re: tas bija miera maršs, cilvēk
es esmu pret jebukura veida eksterminēšanu un genocīdu. katram sava morālā stance.
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[info]methodrone on October 15th, 2023 - 08:26 am
Re: tas bija miera maršs, cilvēk
I used to be too, bet es novelku savu kritushaas robezhu, when it comes to murdering babies. Any devil that touches a child deserves extermination of their SOUL forever in hell.
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cilvēks savā istabā[info]jojo on October 15th, 2023 - 08:31 am
bailes ir slikts padomdevējs: prefrontālais kortekss atslēdzas
nestrīdos par sentimentu, bet pirms kādu iznīcināt, paskaties, ka neiznīcini kāda cita zīdaiņus un bērnus. tu runā par miermīlīgu palestīniešu demonstrāciju - cilvēkiem, kuri protestē pret ieroču lietošanu pret civiliedzīvotājiem.
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[info]methodrone on October 15th, 2023 - 08:44 am
Re: bailes ir slikts padomdevējs: prefrontālais kortekss atslēdzas
Let's just agree to disagree, we see things very differently.
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cilvēks savā istabā[info]jojo on October 15th, 2023 - 08:56 am
Re: bailes ir slikts padomdevējs: prefrontālais kortekss atslēdzas
ja tava pamatvērtība ir sargāt bērnu dzīvības, nevis iznīcināt visu svešo, tad skaidrs, ka tev jāprotestē par mieru pasaulē, nevis, par cilvēku grupas iznīcināšanu (palestīniešu, nevis hamas teroristu, tavs pirmais ieraksts ir kļūdains). un, padomā ar par to, kā uzlabot savas informācijas avotu kvalitāti, iesākumam, pats minimums, izvēlies vairākus), un mums ir daudz vairāk kopīgā nekā pirmajā acu uzmetienā izskatās.

ja tava pamatvērtība ir visa svešā un biedējošā nediskriminēta iznīcināšana, tad nevajag melot par pirmo.
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extranjero[info]extranjero on October 27th, 2023 - 10:07 am
Re: bailes ir slikts padomdevējs: prefrontālais kortekss atslēdzas
Par mieru pasaulē nav iespējams protestēt. Tādas bija PSRS piespiedu demonstrācija – Par mieru pasaulē! Kamēr pati PSRS bija balstīta uz teroru.

Miers pasaulē ir atkarīgs no mūsu gribas sodīt visus miera pārkāpējus.

Un par informācijas avotiem tiešām ir vērts ļoti padomāt. Pat ANO informācija par civiliedzīvotāju upuriem tiek saņemta no Hamas. Tā nav uzticama.
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cilvēks savā istabā[info]jojo on October 15th, 2023 - 08:35 am
Re: tas bija miera maršs, cilvēk
citiem vārdiem, tu grasies iznīcināt cilvēkus, kuri protestē pret civiliedzīvotāju, zīdaiņu un bērnu slepkavībām.

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cilvēks savā istabā[info]jojo on October 15th, 2023 - 08:36 am
Re: tas bija miera maršs, cilvēk
šis viss ir mazliet smieklīgi. tev īstnībā vajadzētu apvilkt kurpes un iet protestēt kopā ar palestīniešiem. pret zīdaiņu slepkavošanu.
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[info]methodrone on October 15th, 2023 - 08:49 am
Re: tas bija miera maršs, cilvēk

"Why liberals have ended up cheerleading for jihadism
Israelophobia is just the newest version of the oldest hatred – and it’s being perpetuated by Britain’s Left

Protesters during a march for Palestine in London
With its vibrant gay scene, vegan restaurants and Green MP, Brighton is one of the most liberal towns in Britain. It may come as no surprise that it is also a repository of fashionable support for Hamas.

Following the inhuman butchery perpetrated against Jews by the terror group last weekend, Britain has seen a spate of rallies – not in support of the victims but the murderers. As popular as these demonstrations were on the trendy Left, it is no exaggeration to say that they shamed our country. But one example in the seaside town stands out.

Gathering just 24 hours after the start of the barbarism, a speaker declared: “Yesterday was a victory”. Compounding the insult, she went on to describe the butchery as “so beautiful and inspiring to see”. The crowd applauded.

This was more than just a moral outrage. As Hamas is a proscribed terrorist organisation, it may have been criminal. On Friday, a 22-year-old woman was arrested by counter terror police on suspicion of supporting Hamas at the rally.

In recent days, the extent of the Islamist cruelty has begun to come out. The slaughter of babies, evidenced by a disturbing picture bravely published by The Telegraph this week, has appalled the world.

Children have been abducted, bullied and tortured. In one searing interview, an Irish father said that he was relieved to discover that his eight-year-old daughter had been found dead. He found the alternative unbearable to contemplate.

Different images hit home with different people.

In my position as editor of the Jewish Chronicle, I have been shown footage and images that others have not. One clip in particular, filmed by a terrorist with one hand while he perpetrated his crime with the other, has since been flashing into my mind unbidden. He was using a rod to put out the eyes of a corpse.

These are the acts being celebrated by liberals in Britain."
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cilvēks savā istabā[info]jojo on October 15th, 2023 - 09:00 am
Re: tas bija miera maršs, cilvēk
par avotu izvēli: ja gribi pati domāt, lasi ziņu aģentūras, nelasi otreiz atgremotus radikalizētus viedokļus, atgremotājiem ir pašiem sava dienas kārtība un savi mērķi.

nu un pamatzināšanas statistikā arī noder, lai izsvērtu, cik vērtības piešķirt tādam rakstam, kā citē. es sāku ar "statistics for dummies", ir vēl tāda "why numbers lie". Lai veicās.
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[info]methodrone on October 15th, 2023 - 02:40 pm
Re: tas bija miera maršs, cilvēk
You can call these sources as you like, but they are covering facts. If facts displease you then again - we look at the world differently.

Kaa user black_robin zemaak iepostoja, tas nebija miera marsh, and if you don't see it, noone can see it for you. (It looks to me like for people like you, for many who have no idea what they are aligning with, it is some sort of a fantasy to pursue, and whenever they have to face actual facts of what their fantasy objects carry out in real world.. then it is just denial denial denial.) Hamas uzbrukums Izraélai nebija miera akts, un FAKTS, ka cilveekiem kaa tev shkjiet, ka Izraeelai nav tiesiibu / nevajadzeetu retaliate and chase Hamas and destroy them, but rather tolerate its attacks, just speaks for itself..
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cilvēks savā istabā[info]jojo on October 15th, 2023 - 07:06 pm
lai tavā burbulī vējš ausis nesapūš!
cilvēks, kurš viedokli vai tviteri uzksata par avotu, nav nopietns cilvēks.
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zivs[info]zivs on October 15th, 2023 - 11:58 am
Re: tas bija miera maršs, cilvēk
Laikam nomainījies teksts. Neredzu, par ko komentēju.
Izlasīju garo story. Tu man palīdzi saprast, kas notiek.
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cilvēks savā istabā[info]jojo on October 15th, 2023 - 08:57 am
Re: tas bija miera maršs, cilvēk
skat augstāk, par informācijas avotu izvēli.
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extranjero[info]extranjero on October 27th, 2023 - 10:08 am
Re: tas bija miera maršs, cilvēk
Miera koncertu pie Palestīnas izjauca Hamas terorisms.
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