([info]methodrone) wrote on October 15th, 2023 at 02:40 pm
Re: tas bija miera maršs, cilvēk
You can call these sources as you like, but they are covering facts. If facts displease you then again - we look at the world differently.

Kaa user black_robin zemaak iepostoja, tas nebija miera marsh, and if you don't see it, noone can see it for you. (It looks to me like for people like you, for many who have no idea what they are aligning with, it is some sort of a fantasy to pursue, and whenever they have to face actual facts of what their fantasy objects carry out in real world.. then it is just denial denial denial.) Hamas uzbrukums Izraélai nebija miera akts, un FAKTS, ka cilveekiem kaa tev shkjiet, ka Izraeelai nav tiesiibu / nevajadzeetu retaliate and chase Hamas and destroy them, but rather tolerate its attacks, just speaks for itself..
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