mazais_melnais_kakjiic ([info]melnais_kakjiic) rakstīja,
@ 2004-11-06 00:46:00

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Mūzika:Brian Huge Warner

kaukas shiten ir..kaukas dziljss...kaads vareetu pateikt kas?
I'd fuck you because you are famous
I'd fuck you for your money
I'd fuck you to control you
I'd fuck you so someday I can have half of everything you own
I'd fuck you to fuck you over
I'd fuck you until I find someone better
Then fuck you in secret
I'd fuck you because I can't remember if I'd already fucked you before
I'd fuck you out of boredom
I'd fuck you because I can't feel anything anyways
I'd fuck you to make the pain go away

Fuck you because I loved you
Fuck you for loving you, too
I don't need a reason to hate you the way I do
Fuck you because I loved you
Fuck you for loving you, too
I don't need a reason to hate you the way I do
Hate you the way I do
Hate you the way I do
Hate you the way I do
Hate you the way I do

I'd fuck you so I could feel something instead of nothing at all
I'd fuck you because you are beautiful
I'd fuck you because you are my nigger
I'd fuck you because I am your whore
I'd fuck you because you are a whore
I'd fuck you for fun
I'd fuck you for fun
I'd fuck you because I can
I'd fuck you so I have a place to stay
I'd fuck you so you will protect me

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2009-03-23 23:18 (saite)
taapeec, ka true. taapeec tas ir dziljsh, viena no manaam miiljaakajaam mm dziesmaam, pat pirms paaris minuuteem noskaneeja..

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