Chloroform Sauna ([info]martcore) rakstīja,
@ 2007-02-24 17:18:00

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mehāniskais pipelsīns
parādījies tūlis, kas tulko LJ blogus no krievu uz angļu valodu. tagad skatos savus trīs gadus vecos LJ ierakstus un nevaru vien beigt fanot - viens, piemēram, ir šāds:

"Incidentally, it is with me recently. I live on the first floor. But live, and live here remember them, prilag mode afternoon briefly. Call door. Revealing-there is a mujichok, reeling shows it is already so well that it is not from this grace, Much of it is a strong, I saw prishchurilsa.The navigator in zamalevanna combined.
- D'you hear, going, but runs a window, it is you?
- How low?
- Well, radiator!
Hummed vrubivshisi not in a situation I kidau vision for the kitchen where a window is heating battery, and so the apartment, I have privatized, the battery produced like my own. What confidently say.
- That's it! - Stop-happy "Okay so agree! You want me to a symbolic amount of money, and I do it otnesu per container.
- Container?
- Equipment.
Still hummed a couple of minutes trying to vrubitsa in the proposal. Then, I think, has nothing to the head knocking any garbage, and say that, no, if left myself otnesu her afterwards. Stop in details, but I have closed the door. Then come to the kitchen window. And there, yes, a window of a movie Hamas old heating batteries."

Translātors vārdu "mudak" tulko kā "Hamas" :)

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2007-02-24 18:43 (saite)
Jā, trešā valoda... Smalki!

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