Chloroform Sauna ([info]martcore) rakstīja,
@ 2006-09-18 22:31:00

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Mahmuds Ahmadinedžads: ekskluzīva intervija "Time"
TIME: Why won't you agree to suspend enrichment of uranium as a confidence-building measure?

Ahmadinejad: Whose confidence should be built?

TIME: The world's?

Ahmadinejad: The world? The world? Who is the world? The United States? The U.S. Administration is not the entire world. Europe does not account for one-twentieth of the entire world. When I studied the provisions of the npt [Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty], nowhere did I see it written that in order to produce nuclear fuel, we need to win the support or the confidence of the United States and some European countries.

no šejienes

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2006-09-19 14:21 (saite)
Un šī ir tā argumentācija, kuru parasts cilvēks nedzird ;)

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2006-09-19 14:53 (saite)
Vispār jau intervija ir debišķīgs paraugs tam, kā var skaisti atrunāties un izvairīties no tiešām atbildēm uz jautājumiem.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2006-09-19 15:05 (saite)
Islamistu vadošajiem spēkiem vispār polēmika ir ļoti spēcīga puse

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