Chloroform Sauna ([info]martcore) rakstīja,
@ 2006-09-16 20:34:00

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a draugi ir zaļi tāpēc, ka šodien kaut kāds vispasaules subotņiks esot.
toties rīt: ciolkovskim* - 150, tāpēc ierosinu visus draugus uzsūtīt kosmosā nah

*Russian pioneer space theorist who, while a provincial Russian schoolteacher, worked out many of the principles of space travel. In 1883, he noted that vehicle in space would travel in the opposite direction to gas that it emitted, and was the first to seriously propose this method propulsion in space travel.

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2006-09-16 21:36 (saite)
provincial space terrorist

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