Chloroform Sauna ([info]martcore) rakstīja,
@ 2014-10-31 11:47:00

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ak jā, un tematiskā dziesma. reiz laikam ārzemju draugs ričards šo bija atsūtījis miksteipā, kad klausījos, smaidīju līdz ausīm, great minds think like a hive

Seems like folks turn into things
That they'd never want
The only thing to live for
Is today
I'm gonna put a hole in my TV set
I don't wanna grow up
Open up the medicine chest
And I don't wanna grow up
I don't wanna have to shout it out
I don't want my hair to fall out
I don't wanna be filled with doubt
I don't wanna be a good boy scout
I don't wanna have to learn to count
I don't wanna have the biggest amount
I don't wanna grow up

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2014-10-31 13:57 (saite)
Tematisks suminājums Tev! Lai ir viss! ;)

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2014-10-31 14:44 (saite)

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