Chloroform Sauna ([info]martcore) rakstīja,
@ 2005-12-23 09:13:00

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Newcastle manager Graeme Souness is keen for Alan Shearer to postpone his retirement for another season.
Shearer is set to bow out at the end of the season but Souness believes the 35-year-old still has the ability to play at the top level.
"Since his hernia operation last month, Alan looks to have found another yard from somewhere," said Souness.
"He's a footballer who's enjoying his job and it's like any job - if you're enjoying it then why stop?"
Ja pierunās, tad Sūness ieies vēsturē.

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2005-12-23 09:20 (saite)
pārstāj zaimot Svēto!

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