brookings ([info]brookings) rakstīja,
Agreed - I don't have anything much to say about her: well, I hated her. But now... apathy, really. She welcomed all that hate, by the way. Stored it up and used it against us as she pitted us against each other: she shafted the poor, she shafted the workers, she ripped up industry and freed the City... and most of all, she said it was all our fault if it wasn't working for us. She just went one step too far with the Poll tax (same flat rate municipal tax regardless of income). If she'd gotten away with that she had have gone for the National Health Service for sure. She said there was no such thing as society as she placed half of the North on the dole. She supported apartheid, she supported Saddam Hussein, she adored Pinochet, and she made half the country mock those who gave a shit about something - all the while wrapping herself up in the Union Jack.

You can love her for the geopolitical comings and goings, but, look... what have you got here: Thatcherism - finance dominated economy, offshore corporate tax evasion, working poor getting by on short-term, high interest credit. And, of course, if it isn't working for you, it's all your fault. Just "get on your bike" and fuck off somewhere else (and if you can bust another country's union movement, all the better). So, she lives on - you Latvians just never had to hear her voice in your head.

Tiem, kas mani pazist: esmu Brits un man ir 43 gadi - so, you can disagree with me, but.. you weren't there.

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