Chloroform Sauna ([info]martcore) rakstīja,
@ 2013-01-26 14:30:00

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šausmas, kur silver linings playbook ir brīnišķīga

- Does anybody here happen to know what the official motto of the state of New York is on the official seal of the State of New York? Huh? Anybody? Do you? Do you know? “Excelsior.” Look it up. Yeah, “Excelsior. ” Oh Pat. Not that I give a fuck about football or about your superstitions, but if it's me reading the signs, I don't send the Eagles guy whose personal motto is “Excelsior, ” to a fucking Giants game, especially when he's already in a legal situation.

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2013-01-26 17:11 (saite)
Reallly? Noskatījos vispārējā megakaifa iespaidā un tā arī nesapratu, kur šajā lubenē ar kaitinošo Kūperu (Oskars? WTF?) ir tā sāls. Baigais prastucis.

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