Chloroform Sauna ([info]martcore) rakstīja,
@ 2005-12-04 17:46:00

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Green Street Hooligans

Rated R for brutal violence, pervasive language and some drug use. Tik spēcīga filma, ka man pat trūkst vārdu, lai to aprakstītu. JW drošvien birtu asaras, jo runa iet par Vesthemas futbola kluba huligāniem. Cilvēki gan runā, ka The Football Factory ir vēl lielāks žostkačs.

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2005-12-04 18:55 (saite)
amerikāņi iekš IMDB britu futbola kultūru nesaprot:
"As one American, I can only say that I'm really not that interested in fighting or violence. In this country if you piss off the wrong person, they simply go get their gun, come back and shoot you."

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