Chloroform Sauna ([info]martcore) rakstīja,
@ 2011-05-14 13:30:00

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a, lūk, kāds notikums te bija. karsts irāņu puisis lenca vēsu irāņu meiteni, cilvēks centās un izrādīja uzmanību, vairākas reizes piedāvāja roku un sirdi, bet meitene palika nepielūdzama. tad puisim piedāvātā sirds salūza pavisam un viņš ielēja meitenei sejā skābi. pēc tam meitene spānijā veica operāciju sēriju, taču diemžēl redzi viņai glābt neizdevās (un viņas foto es šeit arī nepublicēšu). irāņu tiesa šajā gadījumā nolēma rīkoties pēc likuma "aci pret aci un zobu pret zobu", tobiš, pusim arī izdedzināt ar skābi acis.

svenskteroristi kunkst:
It would be first time such a penalty was carried out in Iran. Amnesty International had called on Friday for a stay of the sentence, which it described as "a cruel and inhuman punishment amounting to torture".

"Regardless of how horrific the crime suffered by Ameneh Bahrami, being blinded with acid is a cruel and inhuman punishment amounting to torture," the London-based human rights watchdog said.

She is blind in both eyes and still has serious injuries to her face and body. She told ISNA that the implementation of qesas would serve as a lesson for other acid throwers in the country.

"I still strongly stand with the carrying out of the qesas. I want qesas. I will become more serene," she told the news agency on May 11.

"This serenity will not stem from the culprit suffering hardship and pain but that (with the carrying out of the sentence) there is the probability of more deterrence regarding those who want to commit this crime."

A number of acid attacks have been reported in Iran in recent years.

šajā sakarā:

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Re: Par polla nosaukumu
2011-05-16 17:57 (saite)
slavenajam krievu blogerim martcore kārtējo reizi paslīdēja kāja, nosaucot irāņus par arābiem;-)

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